Home ownership
Location, Location, Location!

So, you’ve made the decision to buy. High fives! Woo-hoo!
While you’re dreaming of kitchens, bedrooms and half-baths, there are some other factors outside the home to think about. Here are some key considerations you should consider:
Keeping up with the Joneses?
Some neighborhood HOAs have standards for home and lawn care, and even lawn decor. Prefer a pristine setting? Love filling the yard with festive inflatables come holiday season? How are you with noise throughout the day and night? Get the 411 on the neighborhood or HOA expectations before you sign on the dotted line.
Meet the Joneses
The people make the place. While you probably aren’t going to knock on doors, you can visit and walk around the neighborhood to get a sense of regular activities and the general feel of the area. Are there toys out to indicate a kid-friendly neighborhood? Are people out and about? Stop and have a chat about their experience with the area and what their pros and cons are.
All about the amenities
Once you leave the property, how close are the resources that are most important to you? Think schools, grocery stores, shopping, gas stations, dining, local attractions, and parks (Fido cares about where you live too). What can you walk to versus drive to?
Safety first
We never like talking about it but finding out crime statistics can help with your home purchase decision. Drive around the neighborhood at different times of the day and night to check your personal comfort level. How close are the nearest emergency response teams?
If you have a dream home in mind, why not also have a dream neighborhood too? By considering the comfort and convenience of both, you’ll likely be more satisfied with your final decision. Ready to explore financing that dream? Let’s connect.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Information is provided by MBS Live, LLC.