V1BE Will Save You Time, and Time is Money

Owning and operating your own business is no walk in the park, Primis understands that. Online and mobile banking as most know it just doesn’t provide the level of convenience that it used to, especially for business owners. Cash-heavy operations, like retail stores and restaurants, still require multiple trips to a branch every week as part of their regular business procedures.

Primis took notice and created V1BE, the nation’s first banking delivery service, to help give people their time back. Through an easy-to-use app, customers are able to request services that previously (and at other institutions) require a trip to the bank to accomplish. V1BE gets rid of the commutes and adds unparalleled convenience. It is the perfect tool for business owners.

Don’t just take our word for it, listen to our customers and their raving reviews. Coleman Bishop is a second generation owner-operator who oversees eight McDonald’s franchises in the Greater Richmond, Virginia area. Watch the video below to hear it from him; V1BE has given him time back and revolutionized his business’ relationship with Primis.

It’s hard to say it better: “V1BE saves us time… and that time is money.” If you’re searching for ways to optimize your business, look no further. Click here to learn more about the perfect tool for business owners.

*Primis V1BE services may not be available in your area, however, service areas are growing and subject to change. Mobile carrier data and messaging rates may apply.